As summer comes to a close, I thought I’d share a few scenes from our recent days. We’ve been canning, harvesting, spinning, bread making, and just trying to soak up the final bits of summer. I’m running another 50K race at the end of the month so I’ve been getting lots of time on the trails. I’ve made up big batches of bread and butter pickles, dilly beans (the ones above were just settling before I took the lids off) and tomato sauce. I’m working hard to get through this year’s wool and knitting up a storm.
This time of year is always bittersweet for me as the days get shorter and the leaves start to turn. Each year seems to pass faster than the one before it. Still, I’m loving all of the bounty and how green everything is. I’m enjoying every single run where I don’t have to be bundled up, knowing that soon I’ll be wearing 3 mittens on each hand. 😉
I hope that these harvest days are treating you well and you’re soaking up the sun! <3
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