Sorry for another “local” post, but I just want to get the word out.
The authors of the 100 Mile Diet (also called Plenty here in the states) will be speaking in Boulder and Denver this week. They wrote a book about their experience on eating local (within 100 miles) for a year. I think it is a really interesting concept.
If you’re interested in the movement to eat local, then you should definitely come check it out. Even if you don’t live in Colorado, feel free to check out their website. They have a lot of other book tour stops, and the website is interesting even if you never hear them speak or read their book 🙂
Boulder, CO
Tuesday, May 1
Boulder Bookstore
7:30 – 8:30 pm
1107 Pearl Street
with Boulder Going Local!
Denver, CO
Wednesday, May 2
7:30 – 8:30 pm
Tattered Cover LoDo
1628 16th Street
I guess it was wishful thinking that made me check the book tour schedule to see if they were coming to Alabama….Nobody here eats healthy!!
I hear you chewymom! They’re not scheduled to appear anywhere near Podunk, South Carolina either. At least I was able to find a CSA within an hour of our house, though.
My dh and I have made a concientious effort to buy more local produce, dairy and meats in recent months. One nice thing about living in the boonies is we have plenty of farms and some are even organic! It’s amazing – we had one local organic dairy experience HUGE financial success, all of a sudden more and more organic farmers are popping up. Vote with your dollars yall! It works!