I’m telling you what: I’m getting crazier by the year. Until a year ago when one of my dearest friends announced that she was having a home-birth-after-Cesarean (HBAC), I never would’ve even considered a homebirth. That experience really changed me though. It changed what I thought labor and delivery had to be. It made me question my thoughts that my history predicted the future. I had been stuck in a Dr. Phil “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior” mantra, and that one experience made me question my thoughts and ideas.
So I’ve been interviewing midwives, and I picked one today. I am really excited. I’m a little nervous, but not afraid… just excited and aware that I don’t even get yet how different my prenatal care is going to be. It has already been so much less stressful. I haven’t had to fight for the little things that made the OB flip out. I am able to share information instead of just sit there, nod my head, and be told that I am ignorant. It is really empowering.
So I’m sure I’ll be talking about this a lot in the next 7-8 months or so. I just had to add a pregnancy category to my blog. I guess that shows how much I wasn’t really expecting to do this again. ๐ I’m excited.
As I’m sure you could’ve guessed – I am reading a book on pregnancy and midwives now. I’m so predictable.
You should look into water births. Those can be done at home as well. I’ve been reading up on water births a lot lately and am fairly convinced that they are much more beneficial than dry births.
Here is a website with more info:
All of the midwives that I interviewed were also very experienced in water births. I plan on at least laboring in the water, although I haven’t decided yet about the actual birthing process. I’m going to check out that website!
I really wanted to labor and/or birth in the water with my previous pregnancies, but since I was at the hospital I wasn’t even able to sit up or stand, much less get into water. I’m really excited to have all of these new opportunities ๐
Thanks again for the link!
Congrats! love your blog as I read obsessively, and would be happy to see your takes on birth/pregnancy/really little ones, as that’s what we have now.
We had two healthy homebirths, (one in the water) with a family history of complicated births. I am convinced my first would have been a big C, had I been in the hospital.
The exceptional prenatal and postpartum care were the best. Especially if your midwife does lots of appts at your house– it’s so great not having to leave the house after the birth!
Wait, maybe the laid-back and body-trusting attitude during labor were the best? Or having a midwife who prayed and sang with us? So wonderful!
I think homebirths are very cool. I am not going to have one. I don’t think there are any midwives here who do homebirths. But I really do feel like I had pretty good experiences with my births. The hospital where I go has nice birthing suites. And all the rooms are private on the labor and delivery floor.
My dh saw something that mentioned homebirths yesterday and was like “That is just taking unnecessary risks. Why would anyone want to do that?” hehe…I told him that although I didn’t plan to there are a number of reasons and a shared a few with him.
I wish you very happy homebirthing! And am excited to follow your pregnancy and birth!!!!!
Amanda –
I have a story about when I witnessed my first homebirth – it was a waterbirth. It’s a lot like the story you told about the homebirth VBAC you witnessed. Something to share on the phone!
You couldn’t have picked a better author than Ina May Gaskin for your reading on midwives and birth. I got to see a birth video where she attended and it was spellbinding.
I’m happy for you that you found a midwife!!! Congratulations!
i would find homebirthing too scary:)
would you like to visit my newly created blog?
ITU. I used to feel the exact same way ๐
That’s so exciting, Amanda! I can’t wait to hear more about everything.
Hurray for Homebirth!!!!
That’s awesome!!!! Midwives are not legally allowed to attend homebirths here in MO which is a real bummer. I would love to birth at home. I hope you find an awesome midwife and have a kick-butt homebirth!!
I’ve had two natural births with midwives, the first one being at a birth center and the second one at home in a birth pool. What made me decide to birth at home was doing a ton of research but also reading Ina May’s book (the one you listed on your blog). That book is the best book ever about childbirth. Period.
I’ve been reading about pregnancy and birth since I was in Junior High (it was a major early interest of mine), and this book is the one that explained everything in a way where I felt the most empowered and confident to birth at home. The chapter on the “law of the sphincter” especially did it for me. Totally makes sense.
Oh, and if you decide to have a water birth (one of the best decisions I’ve ever made – it was wonderful…the warm water was such a relief to my laboring body) be sure to get a big enough birth pool. I rented one from waterbirth international and it worked like a charm. The main thing is that you want a deep enough pool where you can float if you want to and move all around with ease. Your whole body should be able to be submerged to get the benefits. Whenever I get pregnant again I know I’ll be planning another home water birth. Let me know if you have any questions.
Enjoy your reading!
This is the second time this topic has come up in my life (I’m also expecting, #4). Once more, and I may be referencing that book you mentioned…
I am seriously considering this myself after just finding out that I’m pregnant with my 4th! I guess I should start interviewing soon! I am going to get the book you are reading too!