Today I was enjoying my day, and all was lovely. I finished working out and decided to go look up some more yoga information on the web. I was trying to sit with good posture, but couldn’t find a good position. Then I stumbled on this article on the Yoga Journal website.
Rewind: A couple of weeks ago we went to Six Flags and dh took a ton of pictures. I noticed that my posture looked a bit hunchy and “yuck” so I’ve been trying to be aware. My shoulders looked a little slouched, and I didn’t like that.
I was keeping that in mind as I read the article. I figured that I must need to work on some yoga postures to enhance my daily posture. Then I did their spine test. That beautiful thing taught me that not only are my shoulders hunching forward, but I have a swayed back too. Grrrreat. I’m bad on both ends!
So now I’m walking around the house while trying to be aware of my swayed back (which apparently is the issue I should work on first). As I was thinking about it, I remembered something: Right after my pregnancy I kept thinking about how swayed my back had become. Apparently I just accepted it and moved on though. What an oaf! I can’t believe I’ve been walking around like this!
I guess I have some new exercises to add to my practice. Not surprisingly, they are postures that normally give me a hard time. I guess that makes it even more obvious that I need to work on it.
So the lesson to be learned here is that you should evaluate your own hunchedness, because apparently even your friends and family won’t tell you :P Thanks for nothing, everyone! 😉
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