As you can see in my VoluntarySimplicity post, I have recently been thinking a lot about what is important to me and what is just a waste of my time. I’ve really been convicted on the many ways that I misuse my time, and so I’m trying to correct it.
I decided to download and play with Life Balance, which is actually really cool. You write out your goals and the steps to get there and then it makes a to-do list for you that takes into account when you can do things, where you are going to be, and what must be done before other tasks can be done. I’m having fun playing with it. I found that they even have a plan you can download for Flylady (too bad I don’t use her system)!
As dh and I talked about it last night, we realized that our weaknesses in this area are actually very complimentary. Where I am weak, he is strong; Where he is weak, I am strong. So now we are working together to see what we can do to help each other out.
All of this has helped me realize that I have a lot of small goals that I was doing absolutely nothing to accomplish. They are important to me, but it does not appear that way when you look at my schedule. I’m hoping to change this.
If you have realized the same thing, especially if you are a couple of steps ahead of me in putting those goals into action, please comment! I’d love to hear what you’ve done.
Oh “Voluntary Simplicity” … NOW YER TALKING MY LANGUAGE.
(The whole reason I was able to “retire” at age 39!! 😉 Gee … that was nearly 10 years ago.
Anyway … I think the problem with your comments is that the page the commentor gets redirected to is INVALID.
Hope this helps (Have to test again).
Hey Material Girl,
You’re off to a great
start! I agree it’s not
easy especially with
kids but recognizing that
you want to change things
is the first step!